Request Center

The request center tab is only accessible to students who have been issued their I-20 or DS-2019. It is designed to make processing requests for students easier to understand for both the international advisor and the student. Instructions for each request are provided once a student selects the Request Icon. If you are having difficulty finding the correct request, you can use the search bar at the top of the list of requests to find the needed information. If you need assistance please email or call 573-341-4208.


The image on the right will show you what the Request Center will appear like for you in your ISSS Gateway Portal.


Who is the Approver on the Request Form?

  • The approver will appear on only specific requests. These include: CPT Requests, OPT Requests, Program Extension Requests, and Reduced Course Load Requests.
  • The "Approver" is your academic advisor assigned by the university. You will need to enter their name and email address in order for them to receive notice of your request. 
  • Your academic advisor will receive notice of your request via email and will be able to review your submitted documents and information. Once your academic advisor approves your request, your international advisor will then be notified to process the requested transaction. 

As an initial student who has just been admitted to S&T, you will need to upload and complete a request for your I-20 or DS-2019. You will not immediately gain access to your portal once admitted. Please be sure to make the enrollment fee/deposit payment. Once that payment has been made, you will receive an email to your student email. Review all information in the email and in your ISSS Gateway Portal before submitting your I-20 or DS-2019 request. 

  • To begin this process, review the information on the home page once you login (Tab #1).
  • Next, upload the required documents based on Your Biographical Information, Dependent Information, and Financial Information (Tabs #2-4). Be sure to review the requirements of your financial documentation here. The required amount for your proof of financial support can be seen on our webpage for all degree levels Estimated Cost of Attendance
  • Once all documents and information have been provided submit a request for your I-20 or DS-2019 on Tab #5. The complete button is located in the bottom right corner of the tab, if all information is not provided you will be emailed regarding missing information needed.
  • On the Request Center Tab, be sure to scroll down and see on the side the Document Center. 
  • This is where any documents released or uploaded into your ISSS Gateway Portal will be found. 
  • If you do not see the document you are looking for, be sure to see how many documents are on the listed menu. Only a certain amount of documents will show at once. Once you increase the number of documents listed, you will likely see the documents we contacted you about. If you do not see the documents, please email
  • All updates to your information should be first made in your Joe'SS Student Portal. 

  • Your international advisor will receive notice of this change and will update your portal within 10 business days. 

  • Your local address and contact information should remain up to date at all times. 

  • You can request a Demographic Update in your ISSS Gateway Portal to update names, places of birth, and other biographical data. The icon will appear as a contact card with a person and three lines.
  • You must be able to provide financial resources that demonstrate you have available funding to cover 12 months of expenses based on the Estimated Cost of Attendance

  • When completing a Financial Information Update Request, note that any changes to your SEVIS record can be viewed by the visa officer during your interview. Updating funding many times could result in additional questions. 

  • Be sure to upload a copy of your financial statement, affidavit of support form, and a financial institution certification (if you are using a business account or investment account as proof of funding). Additional information can be found on the webpage regarding I-20 or DS-2019 Issuance.
  • Your funding information will be matched with the estimated cost of attendance, all Missouri S&T scholarships are taken into consideration to the estimated cost of attendance. Master's scholarship are for two-years, so only have of the funding provided may be used to cover the estimated cost of attendance amount.

To submit a request login to your ISSS Gateway Portal. 

There are three separate requests for these processes. Each request serves a different purpose. 

  • To add a dependent, select the add dependent request. For more details, see information on Dependents.
  • To remove a dependent, select the remove dependent request. This will remove them off your SEVIS record. 
  • To update a dependent, select the update dependent request. This is for biographical updates which need corrected. 
  • Documents required to add dependents:
    • Copy of passport for all dependents
    • Copy of marriage certificate for you and your spouse (must be in English)
    • Copy of birth certificate for each accompanying child (must be in English)
    • Financial documentation: An additional $4,000 in financial support for each dependent is required. 

To submit a request login to your ISSS Gateway Portal. 

  • Please note that all information regarding international travel is found on the travel request. It is your responsibility to report to your professors will you will not be attending class and to make-up any missed work. 

  • Traveling on behalf of the University for conferences or other activities requires additional approvals, contact your department administrator. 

At the minimum, you will be required to have the following documents with you to be admitted through a United States Port of Entry:

  • Current I-20 or Current DS-2019 with travel endorsement dated no earlier than twelve months before your expected reentry date.
  • Unexpired and valid passport and F-1 visa/J-1 Visa.
  • Proof of financial support and/or proof of enrollment are recommended. 

To submit a request login to your ISSS Gateway Portal. 

  • The following reasons are acceptable for extension requests: (1) Change of Major, (2) Approved for reduced enrollment in a previous semester due to a medical condition, (3) Change of Program between Master's non-thesis to Master's with thesis, (4) Change in Academic Advisor, (5) Change in Research Topic, or (6) Unexpected delays in publications, thesis/dissertation, or other research problems. 
  • The following reasons are not acceptable for extension requests: (1) Delays caused by academic probation or suspension, (2) Delays caused by participation in Curricular Practical Training (CPT), (3) Delays caused by enrolling in courses that were not required for your program or could not be counted toward your degree requirements (excluding courses required as a condition of admission or by your academic advisor), (4) To complete a certificate program or minor degree, or (5) To participate in a future CPT.
  • You can request an extension by submitting a Program Extension Request in your ISSS Gateway Portal, be sure to include your academic advisor as the approver, they will need to sign affirming that the information you have provided is correct. 
  • The primary reasons a student will request a reduced course load include: (1) diagnosis of an illness or medical condition, (2) improper course level placement, (3) initial difficult with reading requirements, (4) initial difficulty with the English language, (5) being a part-time commuter student, (6) the student will complete their course of study in their current term, or (7) the student is unfamiliar with the American teaching methods.
  • Approval for a reduced course load requires the affirmation from a student's academic advisor. 
  • Students may also receive full-time enrollment exceptions in the cases of participating in full-time CPT, concurrent enrollment, or because they have been approved by Policy Memo II-20 by the Graduate Education Office. 
  • Approval for concurrent enrollment requires that the credit hours/course being taken at another school must be transferrable to Missouri S&T upon completion and will apply to the student’s degree program as listed on their Form I-20.  
  • Full-time enrollment requirements can be met by combining the number of credit hours being taken at Missouri S&T with those taken concurrently at another school. 
  • Method of instruction requirements apply to the combined number of courses being taken at Missouri S&T with those taken concurrently at another school. 
  • Proof of enrollment at another school is required before the credit hours being taken concurrently can be counted toward full-time enrollment. The method of course instruction will also be evaluated before the student can be considered full-time enrolled. If the requirements listed above are not met, the student’s SEVIS record will not be registered for the semester. 
  • If you are approved for concurrent enrollment, you will be issued a Concurrent Enrollment Approval Letter. This letter may be requested by the school at which you are, or have, concurrently enrolled. Please allow a minimum of 10 business days for request processing.
  • The Missouri S&T Course Equivalency Database can be accessed through the following path: Joe’SS > Self Service > Transfer Credit > Evaluate Transfer Credit.

The SEVIS Transfer Process can look different based on whether this is your first semester with Missouri S&T or not. Current students are required to submit proof of admission to another Student Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) Certified School. This is through your admission letter. Current students are just required to complete the SEVIS Transfer Out Request found on our Request Center.

New students should review information on SEVIS Transfers. You must complete our SEVIS Check-in and Registration Request in addition to the SEVIS Transfer Out Request. You can view the Check-in Process here to determine what steps you need to take. The documents required for check-in include: 

  • Copy of your F-1 or J-1 visa
  • Copy of your Form I-94 Record
  • Enter your U.S. Local Address

Once you have completed both steps, a minimum of 10 business days for processing are required. SEVIS Transfer Out students are not the first priority of requests for our international advisors. Your request will be processed by the requested transfer date as long as you complete your transfer out request in a timely manner as is required by the SEVP.

An update to your program information is for a change of education level/degree level or a change of major. All graduate students must upload a copy of their admission letter. 

In addition to your admission letter for your education/degree level change, you will need to provide updated financial support documents demonstrating that you have the required estimated cost of attendance for one academic year. 

  • All cost estimates for our degree programs for your I-20 to be issued can be found here. 
  • You can review the requirements for financial documents here. 
  • If you have additional questions about change of education levels, change of majors, or other program information updates, email 
  • On-campus employment is not guaranteed. 

  • The On-campus Employment Form can be found on our website. Your supervisor should complete the form and you should submit it in-person to the ISSS Office located at 106 Centennial Hall. The Social Security Administration will not accepted altered or electronic signatures. 

  • Do not seek opportunities for employment by approaching offices on-campus. 

  • Working unauthorized, or failing to maintain your student status will result in negative action being taken on your SEVIS record. More details regarding On-Campus Employment are found here. 

  • Approval for CPT is subjected to the discretion of your international advisor. However, the Approver on the Approver Section of the Request Form is meant for your Academic Advisor, be sure to enter their name and contact information in that section.

  • All requirements must be met based on the details found on the request form. 

  • If you do not provide the required details, you will receive notice of missing information for your request from your advisor. 

  • All requests should be made well in advance of your start date with your CPT employer. 

  • Meeting the requirements listed for your offer letter is not optional, these requirements must be directly listed on the offer letter in order for the CPT opportunity to be approved. 

  • See more information here: Curricular Practical Training (CPT)