Process for Academic Departments

Academic Departments will be the main contact for human resources regarding changes to employment status and responsibilities. This will include assistance with onboarding and terminations of employment.

Research Compliance and Export Controls processes will be completed before a DS-2019 will be issued for a J-1 Applicant. 

    • All non-employee appointments and employees exposed to research should be vetted.
    • Research Compliance will conduct a visual compliance review of all applicants.
    • Review the additional resources below this section regarding the forms required. 
    • All International Visiting Scholars or Students must provide some proof of English Proficiency. The Department should complete the English Language Proficiency Document or receive the required documents from the scholar. Examples of documents include: (1) Accredited English Proficiency Exam, (2) Letter from Accredited Institution, or (3) A Documented Interview completed by the host department. 
    • Other required documents for DS-2019 issuance include: Copy of Exchange Visitor Passport, CV/Resume, Invitation/Offer Letter, Proof of Financial Support (financial support should cover $1,500 per month and $4,000 per year for any added dependents, only required if the employee/student is a non-employee/courtesy hire), and the DS-7002 Student Intern Training Placement Plan (only applicable for Student Interns). 

Host/Sponsoring Department Responsibilities

  1. Provide guidance and assistance to the visiting scholar’s arrival. All visiting scholars on a J-1 visa will be required to check in with the Office of International Student and Scholar Services to complete their SEVIS Program Validation (an essential step to maintain their visa status). Any assistance for transportation for scholars from the airport, shopping, Social Security Office, Department of Motor Vehicles, or other locations should be provided by the academic department.
  2. The host department will notify our office of any change to the exchange visitor’s J-1 program, including but not limited to program activity, non-paid/paid appointment, financial support, site of activity, early completion, or termination of the program.
  3. Initiate the PeopleSoft ID number, S&T email account, and ID card.
  4. Academic Departments will initiate requests for visiting scholars in the ISSS Gateway Portal or by notifying the Office of International Student and Scholar Services by email at
  5. The Processing Fee Form will need to be completed as part of the Sponsorship Request. 
    • The scholar can make the payment for the fee here: Marketplace.
    • Departments may use a MO Code listed on the Processing Form. 
    • There is a $200 Processing Fee or $400 Expedited Processing Fee.

Visiting Scholars are granted entry to the United States for the primary purpose of conducting research, observing, or consulting in connection with research projects and also may engage in teaching and lecturing.  


Missouri S&T's compliance program encompasses faculty, staff, and students who engage in research as well as many administrative components.  The Office of Sponsored Programs and the Associate Director of Compliance serve together as the coordinating compliance officials for externally funded research and sponsored projects. To learn more see the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation's Website. 

The S&T Deemed Export questionnaire must be answered by the sponsoring faculty member who is directly knowledgeable of the applicant/beneficiary’s activities, and not by someone acting on behalf of the sponsor who is not directly knowledgeable. 

Please complete the form as comprehensibly as possible. S&T Deemed Export Questionnaire. Once completed, when entering the Department Information in the ISSS Gateway Portal for the visiting student/scholar be sure to enter the information received from the Faculty. 

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service requires that an employer, when filing an H-1B, H-1B1, L-1 or O-1 petition, certify that (i) it has reviewed the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) administered by the U.S. Department of State, and (ii) it has determined whether or not a license (prior authorization) is required from either of these Government agencies to allow foreign national employee access to export controlled items or technology (laboratory equipment/research instruments, materials, software or technology/technical data) controlled under the EAR or ITAR.  (Please refer to Questions 1-5 of the Deemed Export Questionnaire) 

In the case of J-1 Visa Exchange Students and Visiting Scholars, the institution is also required to determine whether the J-1 visa candidate will be exposed to export control items or technology.  (Please refer to Questions 1-5 )  The transfer or release to a foreign national of such controlled items by any means is “deemed” to be an export to the foreign national’s country of citizenship or permanent residence, potentially requiring a U.S. export license unless a particular authorized license exemption applies.

All J-1 Visiting Scholars who will be issued a DS-2019 are required to complete the S&T Affiliation Due Dilligence Form, .This form will be completed in the ISSS Gateway Portal by the scholar once they have been invited in. 

Missouri S&T has been approved by the Student Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) for the following J-1 categories: 


Short-Term Scholar

Research Scholar

Exchange Student

Student Intern

Length of visit

1 day - 6 months

3 weeks – 5 years

Up to 24 months

Maximum 12 months

Positions for Scholars/Students

(No tenure track or staff/administrative positions)

Visiting Scholar

Post-Doc Research Fellow

Research Associate

Visiting Lecturer

Visiting Scholar

Post Doc Research Fellow

Research Associate

Note: Research Scholars must have at least achieved a Bachelors degree prior to their program. 

Degree Seeking

Non-Degree Seeking

Currently pursuing studies in an undergraduate program at a higher education institution outside the United States. 

Purpose of Visit










Course Study

Work-based learning program which fulfills the educational objectives of the student's degree program, full-time and consists of a minimum of 32 hours per week


The academic department should determine if the application for the visiting scholar is a "New Program" (incoming scholars abroad), or a Transfer (scholars currently at other U.S. institutions). 

If transferring in from another institution, the applicant will need to provide copies of all DS-2019 Forms to ensure they have not surpassed the limit for their duration of stay inside the United States based on the date restrictions listed above.